b'A Library of Colorful Videos, Articles, Tools and Interactive Online Lessonsmore than Participants will have 24/7 access to education you shared with articles & pdfs recipes interactive lessons them, plus articles, recipes,and lessons all written by ourRDNs with WIC experience. An Affordable, Sustainable Solution!Did you know that the typical WIC family throughout the year receives less than 5% of the content available to them on ONE when just receiving paper handouts?ONE is a cost-effective platform that provides the variety of education theONE is fullyfamilies you work with need, and alsocustomizable creates greater participant engagementto your state or and job satisfaction for you! local agencyneeds! Agencies across the country are:Contact me enjoying their free trial and pilot testing of ONE. to get started today!planning custom options to meet program needs.starting their ONE subscription.LIVE and using ONE with participants every day!Tracy Pettistracy@numatters.comVisit www.start.nutrition-one.com715-831-1822and sign up for a live demonstration!2'