b"discounts preschool children 24available!see pages59-60 backMake water the first choice for your child. Its a healthy habit for your child to learn early in life.A child who drinks too many sugary drinksmay expect that every drink should be sweet.front Offer water often - help your child develop a taste for water. Snack and Drink clean out the refrigeratorDont buy soda, fruit drinks, sport drinks cardsand other drinks with added sugarfor your home. Keep sugary drinks out of your home. If there Todays children drink a lot of sugaryare sugary drinks in your home, drinks such as soda, fruit drinks, sport drinks your child will want to drink them. Ideas for families on how to and other drinks with added sugar. Keep a pitcher of cold water in This is not good! your refrigerator. Your child willmake healthy, planned snacks want a drink of this special water. and encourage children to drink be a good role modelYour child will want to drink what he seesmore water and not sugary drinks.you drinking. Drink water with your child.There can be a lot of calories in sweet drinks.Limit sugary drinks to rare occasions.A small child can become overweight fromwhat he drinks, not what he eats. limit juiceA 12 ounce can of soda has 150 calories.Too much juice can add up to a lot of extraPa ck of 100 cards sugar and calories, and can ruin a small An average preschool child needschilds appetite for solid foods. (all of one subject and language) only 1400 calories each day. If a preschool child drank 1 canLimit juice to 4 ounces or less each day. 4 x 9 cardstock (2 sides)of soda every day in addition to his Snack on whole fruits instead of juice. normal diet, he could gain an extraAvailable in English and Spanish pound each month or 15 extra pounds in a year above his normal growth.too much sugar They are naturally high in water andSnack and Drink Bundles:help satisfy a small childs thirstA 12 ounce can of soda has 10 teaspoonsRemove the core and cut an apple into slices.of sugar. You dont want your child to eatCut a kiwi in half and eat with a spoon. K200Set of the Snack and Drink10 teaspoons of sugar for a snack. All this Peel an orange or tangerine sugar can cause cavities in your childs teeth. and break into segments. cards in EnglishCut cherry tomatoes into too little nutrition2 or 4 small pieces.A child who drinks lots of sweet drinks isK300Set of the Snack and Drink probably not drinking enough milk. His diet can be low in calcium, vitamin D and protein. cards in English and SpanishSmall children usually eat when they are hungry and stop eating when they are full. This card provides general nutrition information;However, drinking sugary drinks is not the sameK533medical advice should be obtained from your health care provider. Nutrition Matters, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. No photocopying.R2as eating solid foods. The calories in sugary drinks are not as satisfying as the calories in solid foods. Some children will eat a normalsize meal even after drinkinga large number of calories. Serve milk, not sugary drinks at meals.Does my child need snacks? What are some healthy snack ideas?Yes, your child has a small tummy and Choose healthy foods from the five foodNutrition Matters, Inc.needs 3 meals and 2 to 3 snacks each day. groups - fruits, vegetables, grains, milk and meat.Offer snacks at aboutMake snacks that your child loves,the same times each day. and you feel good about giving.Sweet Drinks Make a routine that works for your family - eat fruitchildren thrive on routines. cut fruit into bite size pieces.Offer a snack between breakfast and lunch, put chunks of soft fruit on a pretzel stick.K533CA- Englisha snack between lunch and dinner,keep a bowl of fresh fruit in the refrigerator. and maybe a snack before bedtime. fill an ice cream cone with finely choppedWhat should my child drink?K533CAs - Spanish Dont offer a snack too close to a meal -water, milk and juicemake a fruit sundae - layer yogurt and fruit in fruit and low fat yogurt. no snacking 1 to 2 hours before a meal. how can I a cup, top with granola or breakfast cerYeal.our small child probably likes sweet foodsencourage my child to such as cookies, candy, cake, ice cream and soda.make a fruit slushy Eating a cookie or ice cream cone once indrink more water? a while is okay. However, most children eat tooBlend fresh or canned fruit. Pour into small plastic cupsMake water your first choice!many sweet foods and lots of sugar.orange or clementine segmentsand freeze. Eat with a spoon.1. Drink water with your child. banana slicesblend a smoothieHe will want to drink what you drink.Blend frozen fruit (strawberries, apple, mango, papaya or kiwi slices Offer water between meals and snacks.strawberries, blueberries, raspberriesbananas, peaches) and cantaloupe or watermelon chunks 2. Make it cool to drink water. low fat milk together.carrot sticks or baby carrotsServe water in a special cup with a colorful straw. Tooth Decaybroccoli or cauliflower piecesOffer water in a sport bottle.Keep a bowl of bananas A child who eat lots of sweets is more cherry tomatoes 3. Flavor your water. on the counter - ready to eat!likely to have tooth decay. Cavities hurt, pea podsAdd a slice of fresh lemon, and can ruin your childs pretty smile.pepper strips lime or orange. whole wheat toast Overweightcucumber slicesAdd a splash of lemon juice spread peanut butter on toast.Sweets can add up to a lot of extra or orange juice. top toast with slices of cheese and tomato. calories. An average preschool Snack Time Snack SafeTry fresh mint leaves and child needs 1400 calories each day. roll up a snackcucumber slices in waterSpread r. efried beans on a corn tortilla.There can be 400 calories in oneCherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, baby carrots, eezeBlend strawberries and fr(K530CA/K530CAs) whole grapes and large pieces of raw fruitsSprinkle with cheddar cheese. can of soda and a candy bar.in an ice cube tray - add cubes to your water Roll up and heat in the micr.Fussy Eatingand vegetables may cause choking inowave.When shopping, read the label - Sweets can ruin a childs appetite. A child preschool children. Shred or cut into small Spread cheese or hummus on a tortilla.thin pieces. Cook raw vegetables. Top with shredded carrots and roll up. may learn to prefer sweet tasting foods andbuy flavored water without added sugar.Kid Snacks 4. Keep cold water in ymini quesadillaour refrigerator.refuse to eat common table foods, such as Sprinkle shredded Monterey Jack cheese milk, vegetables and meats. Store water in a pitcher or large bottle.on a tortilla. Fold in half and (K531CA/K531CAs) efrigerator.Some children refuse to eat at mealtimes and Dont keep sugary drinks in your r microwave until the cheese melts. become underweight. They only want to eat5. Serve a large pitcher of ice water Yes, a child who snacks all day could be:with lemon slices at dinner.sweet foods. Parents give the sweets becauseI'm Thirstynot hungry at meals and seem fussy.Serve with salsa.they want their child to eat something. snacking on unhealthy foods. Your child watches what you snack on.bring along water(K532CA/K532CAs) eating when he is bored or stressed, ater wont spoil or stain if spilled. you are eating candy and chips.Be a good role modeland not when he is hungryW.He wont want to eat an apple ifYour child will want to eat what he sees you and Fill a child size water bottle with watereating too much and too often, and ice. If your child uses a sippy cupothers enjoying. Dont eat a lot of sweets yourself.Enjoy healthy snacks together.and become overweight.between meals, put only water in it.Your child is learning healthy snackingabout your childs eating habits or growth.Sweet ToothSnack smart together. habits that will last his lifetime. Talk to your health care provider if you are worried (K534CA/K534CAs)Nutrition Matters, Inc. Nutrition Matters, Inc.Keep sweets out of your home. If your child sees oranges, apples, melons, tomatoes,soda or candy in the cupboard, he will want it. broccoli, carrots and more! Dont add sugar to foods Most are 90% to 95% water.such as fruit or cereal.Use the checkout laneHow much water in the grocery store that does my child need? doesnt display candy.Enough to satisfyEnjoy the natural his thirst. sweetness of fruits. Nutrition Matters, Inc. Nutrition Matters, Inc. 1.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com"