b"53 market nutrition discountsavailable!see pagescover 59-60Farmers Farmers' MarketbookMarket Encourage families to visit their farmers' market and eat produce Local, Fresh and that is local, fresh and in season!In SeasonBook is 6 x 8 with 33 pagesFull color throughoutAvailable in English and SpanishFN50BK (English) FN50BKs (Spanish) Request ISBN# 978-1-942530-58-9a reviewlook inside book 2023 Nutrition Matters, Inc. sample today!Buyfresh, ESarly Mid MidFallFallBuy fresh, Earlyberrberriesies SummerWha Summer SummerWhatts ins in ummerbuy localbuy local leafleafy greensy greensEnjoEnjoy locy locallyally gr grown fruitsown fruits season? pea pods season? pea podsand and vegevegetables frtables from the fom the farmerarmers sFirst T broccoliFirst Tastesastes broccolimark t when its open.s open. Try fTruits and market ewhen it ry fruits and vegevegetables tables when thewhen theyycarrotscarrotsbegin to ripen and begin to ripen and Why buylocally grown are sold in youryour loc localsweet cornWh y buy locally grow n are sold inalsweet cornmarkmarket. Eenjot. Eynjo the taste y the tastecucumberscucumbersfruits and vegetables ? of the fir st ripe tomato,f,green beansfruits and vegetables? of the first ripe tomato green beansapple orapple or swee swt ceeorn ot corn of Fr esh f ythe season.Fresh fruits and ruits and vegevegetables tastables taste bete bettert terwhen the when theythe season. are in season. The Tyhe dony dont trt travel miles acravel miles across the oss thepeppersare in season. pepperscouncountry. Itrynstead the. Instead they spend mory spend more time ripening in e time ripening inCook in Season tomatomatoestoesthe field and ge Cook in Seasonthe field and getting mortting more flave flavorful.orful. Prepar e meals and Prepare meals and Locally gro grwn fruits andsnacksnacks with fs with fruits and ruits andzucchini Locally own fruits and vegevegetables tables proprvideovide zucchini nutrition to help k y.vegevegetables that ar nutrition to help keep eep youryour family family health healthy.tables that are in e in y also taste delicious - youryour family family is lik is likely elyseason. Snack Snack on fr on fresh eshapples The Tyhe also taste delicious -season. apples to eat mor berriesto eat more ofe o them!f them! berries when thewhen they aryeare YYou help support local farmeral farmers. s.in season. C melonsou help support loc in season. Cookook greengreenmelons Small f e. beans, s winwter squash Small farm farm families camilies can survivan survive and thrive and thrive. beans, sweewt ceeorn ort corn orinter squashYYou might find net find new fruits and w fruits and vegevegetables to enjotables to enjoy! y! zuczchini ucchini when avwhen available. ailable.Some fruits and ou migh Some fruits and vegevegetables tables could be avcould be available all summerailable all summer long,long, 2 2 such as lettucttuce, herbs, cucumber 3 3such as le e, herbs, cucumbers and grs and green beans.een beans.leafyy EarlyE summer 5 waysays 5 ways to ealeaf SEASEOANSON 5 w 5 w ays to eat tgreens SELSEECLTECT M to eatspinach dark green lettuce spinachgreens e, arly summer 1. M1.akto ea t dar Serv k green lettucee a e a spinach salad. 1.e chopped lettucttuce on e on tacos, tacos, akspinach salad.leafleaf let letucttuce, Choose fr 2. Add chopped spinach to a1. Serve chopped leChoose fresh looking esh looking2. Add chopped spinach to a lettuclete salad.tuce salad. burritos and enchiladas.burritos and enchiladas.spinach leavleaves with no brspinach es with no brown own or wilting edges. 3. Stir3. finelychopped spinach into spagheto spaghetti tti2. W2.rap aWrap a sandwichsandwich in a lar in a large lege lettucttucee or wilting edges.Stir finely chopped spinach insaucsauce, soupe, soup, meatball or, meatball or meatloaf meatloafleaf - tuna salad, chickleaf - tuna salad, chicken salad oren salad or STOSRTEORE mixturmixtures. Ies.tll look Itll look like an I like an Italian herbtalian herb. . deli turk ey.deli turkey.Keep leKeep lettucttuce and e andgrilled 4. Add chopped spinach to ata3. U3se leafspinach in a plasticgrilled 4. Add chopped spinach to a hot pashot pasta. Use leaf lettuc lettuce instead oe instead of a tortilla f a tortilla spinach in a plastic.chick en salad or ricore dish. rice dish. Spinach only Spinach only needs aneeds awhen making.bag bag in the in the refrigerrefrigeratorator.chicken salad minute to c when making tacos.tacos.minute to cook.ook. 4. Serv4. Serve a small e a small saladsalad at lunch or at lunch or dinner dinner.Use leaf lettuc lete and tuce and5. Add spinach to a smoosmoothie.thie. op with chopped tomatoes.Use leaf 5. Add spinach to aTop Twith chopped tomatoes.spinach2 cups grilled chickspinach within 3 to within 3 to2 cups grilled chicken sen stripstrips7 day7 days. s. 4 cups leaf 5. Add le4 cups leaf lettuc letetuce 5. Add lettucttuce to e to youry fouravoritefavoriteLowL foat Rw fat Ranch salad dranch salad dressingessing sandwich orsandwich or hambur hamburger.ger.PREPPRAERPEARE 1. Rinse the leaf . 1. Rinse the leaf lettuc lettuce with e with waterwater. Rinse leaf ePlacPlace lettuce lettuce leave leaves on clean paperes on clean paper tow toels wels Rinse leaf lettuc lettuce and spinachand pat dry. Chop in. Chop into bite sizto bite size piece pieces.and spinachand pat dry es.beforbee using.2. Plac2. Place the lee the lettucttuce in a lare in a large boge bowl. Swl. Sprinkle prinkle fore using. 2 pounds = 6 cupswith salad dr .2 pounds = 6 cupswith salad dressing. essing. Toss to cToss to coat eoat evenlyvenly.rawr spinach or 3. D3ivide leaw spinach or. Divide lettucttuce bee between 4 plates. tween 4 plates.lettuclete, ortuce, orcup cupTop each salad cookced spinach. Top each salad with grilled chickwith grilled chicken strips.en strips.ooked spinach.Try cTryollar collard grd greens,eens, Add Aydd oury fourav forite toppingsavorite toppings - -kale, charkale, chard and beed and beet grt greens. eens. chopped tomatoes, cucumber ,Ask locAskallocvendors al vendors what theirwhat their favoritefavorite chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, avs, avocadoocado, mandarin or wayws to cays to cook leafyook leafy greens ar greens are. e.mandarin oranges, slicanges, sliced stred strawberries,awberries, 8 8 blackblack oliv es, olivfes, eta fecheese ta cheese or parmesan or parmesan cheese.cheese. 9 9melons SEASSEOANSON melonsmoothiesmelons FallFall melon smoothiesantaloupe,Use melons to make ree rfreshing smooefreshing smoothies.thies.canctaloupe, Use melons to makSELSEECLTECT Peel and rPeel and remoemove the seeds. Cve the seeds. Cut inut into cubes. to cubes. To makTo make youre y smooour smoothie thie watermelon,Choose melons thatextrea slush eeze melon cubes before blending.fore blending.watermelon,Choose melons thatxtra slushy, freey, frze melon cubes behonehoneydeydew ware heavyare heavy for their for their size and smell good.size and smell good. Avoid melonsCanCtaloupe Watermelon-BananaAvoid melonsantaloupe Watermelon-Bananawith bruises. Blend togetherther 3 cups3 cupsBlend togetherther 2 cups2 cups with bruises. Blend toge Blend togecantaloupe, 1 cup or watermelon, 1 frcantaloupe, 1 cup orange angewatermelon, 1 frozen ozen STOSRTEORE juice and 6 ic banana and 6 ounc es juice and 6 ice cubes.e cubes. banana and 6 ounces Uncut melons canBlueberry- strawberrystrawberry yogurt. yogurt.Uncut melons c anBlueberry -be kbe kept at ept at room roomWatermelon Watermelon-temper Watermelon Watermelon-temperaturature fore f up or upBlend toge Strawberryto 1 to 1 week. week. RefrigerRefrigerate ateBlend togetherther 2 cups2 cupsStrawberrycut melon in an s. melon & min t watermelon, 2 cupsBlend togecut melon in an melon & mint watermelon, 2 cupsBlend togetherther 3 cups3 cups airtighairtight cont ctainerontainerfrozfren blueberries and watermelon and 2 cups ozen blueberries andwatermelon and 2 cups for up to 5 day 6 ounc6 ounces vanilla es vanilla yogurt.yogurt. frozfren strozen strawberries.awberries.for up to 5 days. 3 cups 3 cups watermelon cubeswatermelon cubesPREPPRAERPEARE 3 cups hone3 cups honeydewyde cubesw cubesRinse melons1/4 cup f1/4 cup fresh minresh mint leavt leaves esRinse melons with with water before cutting.JuicJe fuicrom 1/2 lime Simplywater before cutting.e from 1/2 lime Simply melon. melon.Scrub Scrub with a with a vegevegetable table2 tablespoons hone yServe slice slices oes of canf ctaloupe,antaloupe,2 tablespoons honeyServbrush ifbrush if needed.needed.watermelon orwatermelon or other other melons. melons.Cut inCut into larto large slicge slices, es,1. Blend lime. y Top cantaloupe 1. Blend lime juice, minjuice, mint leavt leaves and honees and honey remoremove the peel ve the peeltogetogetherther in a small f in a small food prood processorocessor.Top cantaloupe with with vanillavanilla yogurt or cottage cheese.yogurt orcottage cheese.and seeds. 2. Plac2. Place melon cubes in a bo tly.Mixwixatermelon chunk s.and seeds. e melon cubes in a bowl. Dwl. Drizzle rizzle 1 medium c dressing o ver melon and toss gently. Mwatermelon chunks with kiwi chunks with kiwi chunks.1 medium cantaloupe = antaloupe =dressing over melon and toss gen alories, alories, PlacPlacslices, blueberries, melon 4 cups cubed Makes 6 servings - O ) has 82 c e stre strawberryawberry slices, blueberries, melon 4 cups cubed Makes 6 servings - One serving (1 cupne serving (1 cup) has 82 c. chunkchunks or os orther other fruit on pr fruit on pretzel sticketzel sticks.s. 3030 0 gms f0 gms fat, 18 mg sodium and 1 gm fiber Dip in flav 3131at, 18 mg sodium and 1 gm fiber.Dip in flavored oryed ogurt.yogurt.1.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com"