b'discounts infants 20available!see pages59-60backOffer a variety of foods to your 8 to 12 month old baby.Serve food in the textures that your baby can handle -Infant Nutrition pureed, mashed, strips or small pieces of soft food.fruits vegetableswhole grainsprotein foodsdairy guideWash, peel and removeWash, peel and cookCook until soft and at aplain, whole any hard pieces, pits oruntil very soft. iron fortifiedsafe temperature.milk yogurtseeds from soft, ripe fruit. infant cereal, pureed or thin strips of shredded broccoli florets like oatmeal avocado sweet potato lightly toastedtender, shredded meatcheese Encourage responsive feedingbanana cauliflower whole grain bread baked fish, flaked kiwicarrots soft cooked pastawith no bonesmangopumpkin or brown rice cooked, mashed beans Your babyand provide guidelines onpear squash scrambled eggs,peach green beans mashed or cut needs iron and zincstrawberriesinto strips for growth and brain serving sizes, and meal and development. Breast milk or infant formula is the main source of nutrition until your baby turns 1 year old.Offer meat or iron Ask your babys doctor about a vitamin D supplement. fortified infant cerealsnack frequency.every day. At meals, offer 2 to 4 foodseat safefirst foods Pack of 100 guidesfrom different food groups. Avoid honey and foods made with honey; At snacks, offer 1 to 2 foodsraw or unpasteurized milk or juice; undercooked from different food groups. meat, poultry, fish or eggs; cold deli meats. What is a serving? Do not give your baby round, hard or sticky foods.for your babys first year of life6 Months Start with 1 or 2 tablespoons of10 Months eat with your baby Choose foods that(all of one subject and language)each food offered at a meal or snack.12 Months8 Monthsspoon Practice with a spoon. Put a small amount of pureed orPut your baby in a highchair to eat.are soft enough7 x 9 cardstock (2 sides)Let your baby decideYour baby will use and Stay with your baby while eating.to easily mash how much to eat. mashed food on a spoon. Show your baby how to eat with it. eat more with a spoon. fingerYour baby may pick up soft foods with aYour baby may be able to pick up smallbetween yourAvailable in English and Spanishcreate some routines fingers.whole hand. Cut soft foods into strips that pieces of food with a thumb and pointerOffer soft tablefoodsNutrition Matters, Inc.Your 8 to 12 month old baby can eat foods withare easy to grab, about 3 inches long or eserved. finger. Cut soft food into smaller pieces,s each day - All Rights RNo Photocopying. B420 R5 3 small meals and 2 to 3 snack the size of an adult pinky finger.about the size of a chickpea. cup This card provides general nutrition information;. make a schedule that works for your family!no addedB420GD (English)medical advice sh edsugar or salt.from your h care probtainoviderealth ould be Practice with a cup. Help your baby hold the cup to take smallWean from bottle sips of breast milk, formula or water at meals and snacks.by 12 to 14 months. B420GDs (Spanish)*If your baby was born early or has a family history of food allergies, talk to your health care provider before starting foods.How much food will aYour baby will learn to eat6 to 8 month old baby eat? different textures. Start with a small amount. Watch your baby. Offer a variety of food textures Your baby may eat only 1 to 3 tablespoonswhen your baby shows signs of being ready to eat them. of pureed or mashed food, or 1 to 3 strips of softBabies learn feeding skills at different rates.foods, at first. Offer more if your baby wants more. Start with 1 or 2 small meals or snacks each day.Offer food after breastfeeding or a bottle,backwhen your baby is not too hungry, full or tired.Let your baby decidestrainedstrips ofhow much should I offer my 1 to 2 year old toddler?or pureed soft foodshow much to eat. Use these daily amounts to offer aYour baby may be full when they: smallvariety of foods at meals and snacks.What counts in the food groups? stop eating or chewing food pieces of close mouth and doesnt want to open mashedsoft foods Vegetables - 1cup 1/2 cupcup cooked, choppedturn head away and refuse to eatofor mashed vegetablesFruits - 12to 1 cup vegetables: 2 to 4 ounces 100% vegetable juicefront Grains - 2 to 3 ounces cupcup sliced, chopped or mashed fruitProtein - 2ounces1/2 Limit juice to 4 ounces 100% fruit juiceof fruit: or less each day.Dairy - 112 to 2 cups *Your child may need more or less than these amounts.1/2slice of bread 6-inch tortillaThis is a general guide for healthy, active toddlers.ounce cup breakfast cerealBestseller! Start small. of grains:cup cooked pasta, rice or oatmealOffer 1 to 2 tablespoons of each food. Serve more2 to 3 small crackerswhen they ask for more. Trust your toddlers appetite. Let your toddler decide how much they eat. 1/2 1 to 2 tablespoons cooked, chopped beef,help your 1 to 2 year old toddler pork, poultry or fishToddler NutritionWhats in my cup? f 100% fruit juice. er!tablespoon peanut, nut or seed butterA toddler can feel full from sweet drinks or too muchounce grow into a healthy eat of protein2 tablespoons cooked, mashed beans,milk, and not feel hungry at meals. Offer milk withlentils or tofumeals, water between meals and every once infoods:eggOffer a v a while a small cup ofrom each of the food groups. ariety of foodsguide Focus onExplore new flavors, colors and textures! 1/2cupcup milkPrevent choking.Eat together in the kitchen, at theof4 ounces yogurttable or counter. Dont let yourdairy: Choosetoddler walk around while eating.ounce cheesewhole fruitswhole grains Start healthy habits withthat are fresh,Do not offer foods thatBreastfeed for as long as you and your toddler want to continue. for half of your There are health benefits from breastfeeding frozen orchilds grain up to 2 years and beyond!toddlers during the yearcanned withare round, hard or sticky.This card provides generalfoods.Nutrition Matters, Inc.no addedCut soft, round foodsnutrition information;All Rights Reservbetween infancy andsugar.into small pieces. mfredical ad Serve No photocopying.ed. T120GD R7om yourvice sh health ould be care probtainovider.ed preschool.dairy foods like milk, yogurt and cheese (or lactose-free dairy or fortified Pack of 100 guides soy beverages).Offer a (all of one subject and language) varietyServe a variety of of colorful 7 x 9 cardstock (2 sides) vegetables. lean protein foods.Try roasted, steamed Available in English and Spanish or mashed vegetables.Choose foods and drinks that are lower in sodium and have no added sugar.T120GD (English) Try new foods together! Your child learns by watching you.Your toddler may need to try a new food 8 to 10 times before liking it.T120GDs (Spanish) Toddlers who eat a variety of foods are less likely to be fussy eaters later.front1.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com'