b'17 infants discountsavailable!see pages59-60cover Ready to Eatbookready This book encourages parents and to eat caregivers to let their baby take the lead and learn how to safely eat a variety of healthy foods. foods for yourRequestbaby to pick up,a reviewexplore & eat! Book is 6 x 8 " with 29 pages sample Full color throughout today!Available in English and SpanishWB35BK (English)WB35BKs (Spanish)ISBN# 978-1-942530-50-3 It builds upon 2022 Nutrition Matters, Inc. the concepts look inside book you love in our original Finger Foodsis my baby every baby is different.when can I offer.?Some babies like to pick up soft foods and eat with theirWatch your baby. Offer new types and textures of food when your baby showsBookready to hands. Some babies prefer smooth, pureed food on asigns of being ready to eat them. Babies learn feeding skills at different rates.eat food? spoon. Some like both! You can offer foods on a spoon andFinger foods are onePractice with a cupLet your baby practice as finger foods. Do what works for your baby.of your babys first stepswhen your babywith a spoon at Around the age of 6 months, your babyAround the age ofAround 9 to 12 months,in learning how to eat. is 6 to 8 months old.6 to 8 months old. may show signs of being ready. 6 months, your babyyour baby may be able may grasp strips orto pick up small pieces ofIf your baby is ready toPut breast milk, formulaPut a small amount of Watch for these signs thatsticks of soft foods usingfood with a thumb andpick up and explore foodor water in a training cup.pureed or mashed food around 6 months, startHelp your baby hold the cupon a spoon, and show your baby is ready to eat food: the whole hand.pointer finger.with soft fruits, cookedup to his or her mouth for smallyour baby how to bringsits up and holds head steady This is called aThis is called a vegetables and tendersips during meals and snacks. it to his or her mouth. can grab large objects and bring thempalmar grasp. pincer grasp. meats that mash easily inWean your baby to mouth your babys mouth.from bottles byIt will take time and Cut food into strips thatpractice for your babyopens mouth or reaches for food toare easy to grab. 12 to 14 monthsto learn how to eat show interest in what you are eating old.After your with a spoon! Yourswallows food, rather than pushing itWhen your babybabys firstbaby will be able back out with tongue learns how tobirthday, you canto use a spoon to use a pinceroffer cows milkeat more carefully grasp, offerand water in cups.around 12 to 18 *If ybaby was born smaller piecesLimit juice tomonths of age.swalloourwing, is not interested in early, haspicking updifficultyfood, orof soft foods. no more than has4 ounces a day.healtha f amilcare pry history oviderof foodbefore stallergies, tarting fingeralk to foods. your 2 introduction introduction 3palmar graspbanana6 to 9 monthsfirstfinger peel & cut into strips foods Strips, sticks or spears should be Between 6 and 9 monthsabout 3 inches of age, your baby will start tolong, or about thekiwipeel, cut into use a palmar grasp. size of an adultstrips & remove Start with very soft foods that mashpinky finger. hard core Makepeachesfruits easypeel, or use easily in your babys mouth.to pick upcanned peaches Check to see if they can be easilyeat with your baby: soft fruits roll pieces in finelyin 100% juice, smashed between your thumbground oatmealcut into stripsand pointer finger. 1. Put a small amount of food in your mouth. use peeled fruits that mango or flaxseed.Cut soft foods2. Let your baby watch you chew and swallow the food. are very ripe and soft peel & cut into long strips,3. Talk to your baby about how to take small bites, Wash the outside of fruits withinto thin sticks or sticks or spearschew and swallow food. peels or rinds before cutting. spearsthat are easy Cut the thin peel off peaches, for your baby toYour baby learns how to eatpears, kiwi and other fruits.pick up with theby watching you and others eat!whole hand.Remove any hard pieces,avocadopits or seeds. scoop outChoose canned fruits in 100% follow your babys lead juice or water, not syrup. of peel & cut into Some babies pick up and taste finger foods at 6 months of age.slicesSome babies need more time to practice.10 first finger foods first finger foods 11palmar grasp palpalmarmar gr graspasp 6 to 9 mo 9 mononthsths 6 to 9 months6 tsoft-cooked beansmashed white bean cakese bean cakes Rinse canned beans with water to remove some of the salt. baby meatballs Mash with a fork and let your1 (15.5 ounce) can1.Mash the beans in a lar1 (15.5 ounce) can1. Mash the beans in a large boge bowlwl baby practice scoopingcannellini beans, ,using a potato masher or or fork fork unti until l using a potato masherdrained ed anand rinsedd rinsed mostly smoo1 pound ground1. Preheat oven to 400 F.them up. mostly smooth.th.turkey or beef Line a metal baking sheet Offer a thin layer of cup shredded edded2. Add the shredded cheese, brella or 2. Add the shredded cheese, bread eadcup quick oats with parchment paper or foil andpureed beans ormozzarcheese blend crumbs , lemon juice and Italalian ian ella or It Italian alian cheese blend crumbs, egg, egg, lemon juice and It cup pureedlightly coat with cooking spray. hummus on top of awheatseasoningseasoning. Mix . Mix wwellell to combine. to combine.butternut squash 2. Combine ingredients in a large bowl.toast stick or on a spoon.cup whole whole ead crumbswheat3. Shape the mixturure into 8 patties, dried bread crumbs 3. Shape the mixt e into 8 patties, 2 large eggs Shape into 3-inch long sticks,1 egg aboutinch 1 egg, beat, beatenen aboutinch thickthick ea each. ch. 2 teaspoonsabout the size of your finger.1 ablespoon4.Lightly coat a lar 1 ttablespoon Italian seasoning Place on the baking sheet. lemon4.Lightly coat a largge skie skillellet ort or griddlegriddle lemon juicejuice1 teaspoon3. Bake for 20 minutes or untilIt teaspoon driedwith some o4 patties at a time time forfor 33 to to easpoon dried with some of the oif the oil ol overver med medium-high ium-high garlic powder 1 alian seasoning heat. alian seasoning heat. CookCook 4 patties at a well done all the way through. e 4 minutes on each side, untich side, until lightly l lightly 1 tablespoon oliv 4 minutes on ea4. Let cool before servingground beefablespoon olive ggolden bror turke or veg able oill olden broown on bown on both sides.th sides.or vegetetable oito your baby.or turkey 5. LLeet cool .5.t cool bef beforore serving e serving to yto yourour baby baby. Shape into sticks before baking whenEatwhite bean cakes Eat whit e bean cakes with ywith yourour baby! baby!makingFor ourbaby - cut cut in inttoo strip strips s anandserdserve withve with a v a vegetegetableableour baby -meatballsFor y yee for dipping. purand burgers. puree for dipping.warmForolder chi childrldren en and and adults adults - - serservve e withwithwarm past pasta a saucesauceFor olderfor dipping.for dipping.16 first finger foods firstfinger foods foods 17 17first finger1.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com'