b'discounts infants 18available!see pages59-60cover Finger FoodsbookThis book will help parents feel more comfortable while they help their baby learn how to feed themselves and accept a wide variety of healthy finger foodsbring yourbaby to the tableBook is 6 x 8 " with 24 pagesFull color throughoutAvailable in English and SpanishWB30BK (English)WB30BKs (Spanish)ISBN# 978-1-942530-18-3 Request 2018 Nutrition Matters, Inc. a reviewlook inside book sample today!soft fruitschew, chew,Choose natural fruits: chew. Use fresh fruits that are Some babies pick up and chew ripe and soft.finger foods at 8 months of age. Other babies need more time and Wash the outside of melonsbefore and other fruitspractice to learn how to eat foods. peeling or cutting.eat with your baby: Cut the peel off peaches,(8 to 10 months)1. Put a small amount of foodpears, kiwi and other fruits.Remove any hard pieces Start with soft fruits and in your mouth. or seeds.vegetables that mash easily in 2. Let your baby watch youBuy canned fruits in 100% juice your babys mouth.chew and swallow the food. or water, not syrup. avocado papaya 3. Talk to your baby about how tiny p small watermelon first finger foods (8 to 10 months)first finger foods (8 to 10 months) new tastes and textures (9 to 12 months) new tastes and textures (9 to 12 months) to take small bites, how to Many moms use chew food, and swallow it.a banana for their babys first fingerSlowly increase food. Its soft, easythe size of finger foodsto chew and sweet.as your baby learns howBabies love bananas! to chew and swallow them.Chop foods into tiny pieces - about the size of a pea.Make fruits easy topick up - sprinkle withfinely ground cerealor graham crackers. iecespieces peach pear6 7 newstart with grain foodscrackers andWhen your baby starts to eat breads, cut or tear them tastes andcereal into tiny pieces that are easy to swallow. textures that melt easily in the mouth. Offer soft pieces of a muffin, tiny pieces of a rice cake or toast. Test foods in your mouth before giving to your baby.(9 to 12 months) Choose cereals that are low in sugar. Avoid breads that get lumpy or gummy in the mouth The most popular cer when eating, like plain white bread. Your baby could choke on them.When your baby knows how to bite,the o-shaped cereal. Place some cereal used as a finger food is eal on yourServe mashed white or brown rice, or mashed noodles. babys high chair tray. Let your baby practice new tastes and textures (9 to 12 months) new tastes and textures (9 to 12 months)chew and swallow finger foods, picking up the cereal and chewing it. Cook rice and noodles until they are very soft. Mash with a fork.offer new tastes and textures. Is the cereal orBabies and toddlers who eat awide variety of foods are less likelycracker too hardbaby toast sticksfor your baby to to be picky eaters later. swallow?step 1Lightly toast a slice of bread.If your baby needs astep 2 Cut the crust off the toast. Let your baby practice softer cereal or cracker, Slice toast into long strips. feeding herself. soak it in a little milkstep 3 Dip toast sticks in applesauce, Put some finger foods on herbefore giving it to her.baby food fruits (peaches, pears, high chair tray at breakfast, Dont give honey apricots), yogurt or hummus. lunch, dinner and snacks. Let your baby eat with her or foods made with tip: Let your baby hold a toast stickfingers and a spoon. honey to your baby.while you feed a fruit or vegetableContinue to spoon feed They can cause food puree to her. She may dip thefoods when shepoisoning in a babytoast into the baby food and taste it. needs help. under 1 year old.10 11yogurt dotsbaby pancakes A yummy way to eat yogurt - Make a fun finger food with pancake batter.perfect for a baby with a bib! Serve a few Theyre easy to make, and a greatyogurt dots at a time - they melt fast. way to eat more fruits and vegetables!Your toddler will love yogurt dots when she is teething. The cold dots step 1 Make a small bowl of pancake batter, will feel good on her gums. using the directions on the box.step 2Banana Pancakes -Peel astep 1Place 1 container of f the tip to cryogurt in a small plastic eate a tiny hole. banana and chop into small pieces. bag. Cut ofStircup banana pieces and Try different flavors of yogurt -strawberry, 1 cup pancake batter together.blueberry, peach and others.Strawberry Pancakes - Rinse strawberries.Make your own flavors -Mix vanilla yogurt Stircup tiny strawberry pieceswith pureed baby fruits. Try peach, pear, plum.and 1 cup pancake batter together. step 2Squeeze a little bit of yogurt on got extraZucchini Pancakes - Scrub zucchini. parchment paper. Freeze on a baking sheet. Stircup finely shredded zucchini babyand 1 cup pancake batter together. step 3Remove from freezereezer until r. Place dots into a fready to eat.eezerpancakes? Carrot Pancakes - Peel carrots. bag. Keep in your frPlace them in aStircup finely shredded carrotsfreezer bag andand 1 cup pancake batter together.freeze. When yourstep 3 Spoon fruit or veggie batter into ababy wants a finger food, thaw a couple non-stick skillet. Cook over medium heat.baby pancakes inMake small pancakes that are easy for the microwaveyour older baby to eat with her fingers.for a few seconds. step 4 Flip pancakes and cook on both sides until batter is fully cooked. 1 2 3 14 151.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com'