b'23 preschool children discountsavailable!see pagesback 59-60Serve whole grains often.Try whole grain breakfast cereal, oatmeal, whole wheat toast, whole grain pancakes and waffles.teddy bear toast fried egg onround breakfast cereal slice bread milk whole wheat toastcup milk(with thinl ead cupegg andslice strawberriescuppeanut butty sprer) cup blueberriesand bananaand bananacupfront milk Preschool Meal &cuppeachesSnacktear sheetspreschool appleenglish muffin cup breakfastmuffin Easy meal and snack ideas for blueberriesand cantaloupecup juicecup ham andcheese slicesideas for 2 to 5 year old children 1 ounce 2 to 5 year old children with milkStart the day in a healthy way.Serve cup milk lots of pictures.Serve child size servings. Let your child decide how much to eat. Your child may want to eat more or less.cup cup milk orcup Serve foods in the rightsize, shape 100% fruitand texturefor your child.or vegetable breakfast quesadilla juice atpancakes pineapplewhole gr egg,ain 6 tortilla, Cut soft foods into bite size pieces, aboutinch or less until your breakfast. child is 4 years of age. Your child will be able to chew larger pieces as he grows. chopped ham and cheese Pad of 50 sheets 2 smallcuppancakesChoose 1% or skim milk.Limit juiceServe a breakfast using foods fromFoods that can cause(all of one subject and language) tocup orAvoid these foods to prevent choking orless each day. 3 of the food groups: choking in children under change their size, shape and texture:fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, dairy the age of 4 years: 8 x 11 (2 sides) Cut soft, round foods like hot dogs and string cheese,into short strips rather than round pieces.whole milk pears hot dogs and sausages Cut grapes, cherries, berries, cherry tomatoes or melon wheat toast balls in half-lengthwise, and then cut into smaller pieces. tough meat Available in English and Spanish slicecupcup milkmuffincup chunks of meat or cheese mediumthick globs of peanut butterorangemuffin peanuts, sunflower seeds and nuts Have your child sit at meal and snack times. juice french toast large pieces of raw fruits and vegetables cup Dont let your child walk around while eating. slice bread carrot sticks or baby carrots Preschool Meal & Snack Bundle: Stay with your child while eating. Help children wash hands before and after eating. whole cherry tomatoes and whole grapes Talk to your child about how to eat slowlyraisins and other dried fruitsand chew foods before swallowing. raw green peas Eat the same foods. Your child learns howhard or sticky candy WB600 Set of these Preschool Mealsapplesauce chewing gum and marshmallows to eat by watching you. cup popcorn and chips hard Nutrition Matters, Inc.chewy fruit snacks and Snack sheets in Englishcooked egg hard pretzels egg All Rights Reserved. No photocopying.oatmeal WB353 R1 milk mandarin RequestWB700Set of these Preschool Mealscupcup orangesmilk milkcup a reviewand Snack sheets incup cup sampleEnglish and Spanish today!waffle flake mangomedium waffle strawberries cerealpeanut butty sprer) cup (with thinl eadcupcupPreschool Breakfast Bestseller!WB353TR - EnglishWB353TRs - Spanish preschool meals preschool snacksideas for 2 to 5 year old children ideas for 2 to 5 year old childrenServe child size servings. Let your child decide how much to eat. Small children need to eat often - Your child may want to eat more or less. offer 3 meals and 2 to 3 snacks at about the same times each day.Offer a snack between breakfast and lunch.Serve foods in the rightsize, shapeOffer a snack between lunch and dinner.2023 and texturefor your child. Serve child size servings. Let your child decide how much to eat.Cut soft foods into bite size pieces, aboutinch or less until yourYour child may eat more or less.best child is 4 years of age. Your child will be able to chew larger pieces as he grows.Serve foods in the right size, shape seller at meals Serve foods from the 5 food groups: Cut soft foods into bite size pieces, aboutinch or less until your serve milkand texture for your child. cup fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, dairy child is 4 years of age. Your child will be able to chew larger pieces as he grows.1% or skim milk Serve strawberries whole water atcup wheat toast snacks! Serve foods from 2 or more food groups: sliceucchini fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, dairyzstickspeachescupcup cherry tomatoes rolled inmeat fruit kabob on pretzel stick yogurt and cucumbersbread crumbs saucecup sliced banana, mandarin awberry dill dipcup, choppedand roasted 1 ounces orange and strcupground beef, pbut cooked cheeseeanut incup 1 sliceterh spaghettisandwic sauce slicewhole wheat breadead whole grainthinly spr spaghettipeanut butter cupapplesauce banana apple rings with peanut buttercupcup and sprinkled with granolaroastedcup apple, 1 tablespoon tcheroesrysweet peanut butter (thinly spread)omat potatoesand avocadofries1 ounce cantaloupe cupcupham rolls sticksham cupbeef taco roll-up1 ouncsliceground beefes , whole wheatcooked bread corn 6 tortilla hamsprinkled 1 ounceswith cheese (in sandwichPreschool Meals and on the side)(WB354TR/WB354TRs) Have your child sit at meal and snack times. Dont let your child walk around while eating. blueberry smoothie bowl crackers Stay with your child while eating.cup blueberries 5 smallcheese Help children wash hands before and after eating.cup yogurt crackers 1 slice Preschool Snacks Talk to your child about how to eat slowly and chew foods before swallowing. Serve a fruit or vegetable at most snacks!(WB355TR/WB355TRs) Eat the same foods. Your child learns how to eat by watching you.1.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com'