b'discounts breastfeeding 6available!see pages59-60NEW! frontmake apumping planHow often do you When are your Interactive NEW! usually breastfeed? usual break times? Breastfeeding make Where can you pump while Who will you need to talk to clinic tear padsyou are away from baby? about this plan?breastfeeding goalsIt is normal to wonder how longhelp new parents make a plan to breastfeeding will be right for you and your baby. feed their baby, identify their What is your long-term breastfeeding goal? use this table to make a planMy long-term goal is to breastfeed for ______________ months for how to pump and breastfeed during a typical day away. breastfeeding goals, and support and exclusively breastfeed for _____________ months. Days to use this plan:plans to use a breast pump.time of the day location breastfeed or pump?What might get in the wayHere are common of reaching your goal? examples: My work schedule. Clinic tear pad of 50 sheets Caring for other children. Not having support(all of one subject and language) from family. Taking certain7 x 9 (2 sides);full colormedications.Available in English and SpanishShort-term goals can help make breastfeeding easier.Pumping milk is a great way to give your baby the What are small steps you can take?Here are some examples: of your milk while you are away. benefitsThis week, I will talk to my partner about my You are doing a great job!breastfeeding goal. I will take a breastfeeding class during my third trimester. Make a Pumping PlanI will hold my baby skin-to-skin and breastfeed inour first hour after delivery. BF528CT - English I will exclusively breastfeedBF528CTs -Spanishmy baby while we arein the hospital.backI will breastfeed at least 8 times each day formy babys first month. Federal laws support Make specific goals so you know when you have reached them! NEW! pumping at work and school.for working parents - front Federal law (the PUMP Act) requires Breastfeeding Goals return to work most employers to provide:BF527CT - English a private space to express milk that is BF527CTs -Spanish or school not a bathroomand keep breastfeeding! reasonable time to express milk at work. Take steps to plan ahead. This can be paid breaks or unpaid time.Return to Work Before your baby is born, Some states have breastfeeding laws that give you more rights. talk to your employer or advisor aboutor Schoolcard and a safe place to store your milk. for parents going to school - your need for a private space, break times to pump, access to clean, running waterFederal law (Title IX) requires schools to provide pregnant and postpartum students with:reasonable academic adjustmentsLearn how to get a breast pump.Help breastfeeding parents returnAsk questions like - a clean, private space to pump milk or Call your insurance provider, Medicaid or WIC. breastfeed that is not a bathroomto work or school and keep breastfeeding!What do I need to do to get a pump?Your advisor is required to help you What kind of pump will I get? contact the schools Title IX Coordinator. Share ways to plan ahead before and after After your baby is born,tips to consider:their baby is born, including questions tobreastfeed often to build your milk supply.Store your milk in an insulated ask their employer or advisor, learn how toSpend lots of time breastfeeding incooler bag with ice packs the first month. It will be easier to keep breastfeeding when you need to be away. for up to 24 hours.get a pump and make a pumping plan.When your baby is 4 to 6 weeks old, Put milk into the refrigerator or practice using your pump right afterfreezer as soon as possible.breastfeeding. You might not express Clean all pump parts that come in much milk at first, but you can savecontact with milk after each use. Pack of 100 cards small amounts. If you do not have time or a place to wash pump parts, (all of one subject and language)Make a pumping plan. get more than one set. Use a clean set at each When will you pump? 4 x 9 (2 sides) How much timepumping session.will you need? full color throughout Plan around breakTalk to WIC or a lactation consultant times at workto learn more.Available in English and Spanish or school. Try toThis card provides general nutrition information; pump as often asmedical advice should be obtained from your health care provider.you would feed your Nutrition Matters, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. No photocopying.B336CAbaby. Talk to your B336CA (English) childcare providerB334CA R2B336CAs (Spanish) about your plan. front1.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com'