b"15 infants discountsavailable!see pagesback 59-60check the bottle nippleBestseller! Turn the bottle upside down.the milk should drip out one drop each second during your babys first few months.pacedBe sure the nipple hole is not bottletoo big or too small.Your baby could drink too fast andInfant Feeding too much if the hole is too large.feeding Your baby could suck hard and swallow too much air if the hole is too small.Take time to watch your baby for signs of hungertake breaks to burp cardsand fullness. Let your baby set the pace, Burping removes air from your babys take breaks and be in control of how much to drink.stomach that may have been swallowed while feeding. A younger baby mightOffer helpful advice and Paced feeding can help your baby: need to burp after 2 to 3 ounces.avoid being overfed support to parents during spit up less many babies spit up have less gas and be less fussy their baby's first year of life. Pauses can help your baby after eating or burping drink slower and swallow less air.Feed your baby when you seeAs long as your baby seems comfortable, early signs of hunger, like: is eating well and gaining weight, sucks on hands or fingers spitting up shouldnt be a concern. Pack of 100 cards opens and closes mouth helpful hints:turns head from side-to-side or bobs Slow down feedings. Paced feeding(all of one subject and language) head up and down on your chest and burping more often can help a fussy baby with colic or reflux4 x 9 cardstock (2 sides)feel more comfortable.let your baby startFeed your baby in a calm, quiet room.Available in English and Spanish the feeding:Do not bounce or actively play with your baby right after feeding.1. Hold your baby in your arms upright. Hold your baby upright for Infant Feeding Bundles:Look into your babys eyes and talk softly. 20 to 30 minutes after feeding.2. Touch babys lips gently with the bottle nipple. Wait for your babysDont prop a bottle. Your baby could overeat,B600Set of these Infant mouth to open up wide.choke, get ear infections or tooth decay.3. Hold the bottle almost flat.Feeding cards in EnglishLet the nipple fill halfway, then your baby will start sucking.Babies cry for many reasons, 4. When your babys sucking slows,not just because they are hungry. B700Set of these Infant If its been less than 2 hours since your baby was fed, tip the bottle down and give your babyFeeding cards in English a little break. When your baby startscheck for other reasons they may be upset first.sucking again, raise the bottle back up. Talk to your health care provider if you have anyand Spanish concerns about how your baby is feeding or growing.Let your baby decide how This card provides general nutrition information; medical advice should be obtained from your health care provider. much and how long to drink.B316CA R2Your baby might turn away from the bottle, push it away or stop sucking when full.Dont force your baby to drink faster or finish a bottle. Nutrition Matters, Inc.babys firsthomemade baby teethPaced Bottle Feeding front spoonfuls Choosebaby foods matter.easy to make andWhen will my baby get his first tooth?Is my baby ready? yummy too! A babys first tooth often appears when he is B316CA - English Around 6 months of age, Im ready to Use fresh fruits and vegetables when you can. about 6 to 10 months old. Some babies get their first tooth before 6 months, or as late as 17 months.start eating some solid foods when I:Buy frozen or canned fruits and vegetables upper teeth:B316CAs - Spanish sit up with support and hold my head steadywith no added sugar, syrup, salt or spices. incisors8-13 monthsput my fingers or toys in my mouth canine16-22 monthsopen my mouth to show that I want food Cleanfirst molar13-19 monthscan keep food in my mouth and swallow itWash your hands with soap and hot water.firstbabys Prepare safe foods second molar25-33 monthsshow interest in what you are eatingWash the cutting board, utensils, blender or food babysfirst processor with soap and hot water. Rinse well. lower teeth: 23-31 monthsIf your baby was born early or has a family historyof allergies, talk to your health care providerbefore starting solid foods.second molar cup finger foods for your baby first molar14-18 months Scrub or peel the skin on fruits and vegetables. canine17-23 monthsIron-fortified infant cerealRemove any stems, pits or seeds. What foods cant my baby eat? incisors6-16 months Boil carrots, peas, green beans or broccoliand pureed meats ar Many 7 e to 9 month old babies squash. A chitld can hav in a small amount of water.eeth when he is 3 ye a full set ofears old. 20 baby good first foods.Bake sweet potatoes or Your baby may have tender gums while teething.Offer a cup when your baby is 6 to 8 months old. like to feed themselves.Choose a small cup with or withoutThis is a good time to start finger canned f foods. ruits andchoose foods wisely Some fresh fruits and mostOffer a teething ring or cold wet washcloth.I need iron-rich foods at 6 months Put your baby in a highchair.Your baby is little and can become seriously a spouted lid - easy for your babyse for healthy growth vegetables dont need to little mouth and little hands. of ag Place some soft finger foods onbe cooktheed before pureed. sick from food poisoning.baby teeth and brain development. highchair tray and let your baby play. No honey and foods made with honey.If you choose a cup with a lid, pick one with aet. whole grain infant It may be messy. but it will be fun!are important!Choose free flowing spout, or remove the no spill gadg Mashcereals, like oatmeal, Your baby could get a serious food poisoning.They help your baby learn how to chew, Some babies will hold their own cupAvoid foods that could cause food poisoning:whole wheat or multigrain. when they are 6 to 8 months old.Puree vegetables or fruits in a blender unpasteuriz, ed fruit juice eat and talk. Baby teeth also keep the Offer cereal or pureedhow to make small food processor or baby fraw (Unpasood grinderteuriz.ed) milk correct spacing for permanent teeth.Dont wait until your baby can hold a cup. Help youror water tot formulaTake care of your babys teeth - meat once or twice a day. finger foods par lk products made from r praw mievenlk t cavities. A small child may have a poor baby hold the cup up to their mouth for small sips. Add a small amounmake the baby t of brcheese and mieastmilk, infanfood smooth.tially cooked or raw meat, poultry, fish or eggsSafe Foods For Your BabyDont feed cereal in a bottle.Freeze Heat ready to eat foodssuch as deli meatsappetite and lose weight if his mouth hurts. 1. Start with very soft foods that mash easiI might choke or eat too mu ly(B317CA/B317CAs) whats in my cup? ch.tray with the and leftovers until they are steaming hostarting at birth. in your babys mouth. Check to s eFe iill an ice cube f the t.food can be easily smashed between pureed fruit or vegetable.Cool before feeding to your baby.Start with 1 to 3 ounces of breast milk orUse a baby spoonCover the ice cube tray with Clean your babys gums with a clean, your thumb and pointer finger. Wash fresh fruits and vegetables before eating.infant formula in the cup. Offer more if your2. Cook foods until they are very soft. plastic wrap and put in the moist gauze pad or washcloth. When teethPut a small amount of food on the end Any food can cause a food allergybegin t.Babys First Spoonfulsbaby wants more. Do not give cows milk orof a spoon. Wait until I open my mouthfreezer to freeze the cubes.or diarrh,o appear, start brushing twice a day,juice until your baby is at least 1 year old. 3. Remove any peel, skin or seeds.Remove the frozen cubes fromonce in the morning and once at night.and then gently slip it in. If your baby gets a skin rashaft, gas, ver eating omits, has a new food ea of toothpaste 4. Cut soft foods into long, thin stickstray and place in a fthat arereezer bag.st brfeeding thoblems e food and talk to your doctor. easy for your baby to pick up with aLwhole abel and date the freezer bag.opeathing pr Use a small smear(B318CA/B318CAs) If your baby refuses the cup. Give me time to move the food around,Return the bag of baby f . oodmost foodwith fluoride when your baby in my mouth and swallow it. Sticks should be about 3 inches long, is younger than 3 years old. they may not know whats in the cup. hand. th fruits When your toddler is 3 years old, Remove the lid and let your baby seeOffer a variety of pureede size of an adult pinky finger cubes back into the freezer.allergies are caused by: or aboutIf you are unsure if a food is soft enough,vegetables, meats and infant cereals.use a pea size amount of Homemade Baby Foodsand taste the breast milk or infant formula.I need to try lots of different foods early on. Frozen baby fruits and vegetables can be Cows milktoothpaste with fluoride.be safe and mash it. There will be spills. It helps me like more foods as I grow! EggsBe patient and have a towel ready. kept for up to 1 month in the freezSoyer. (Soy milk, tofu)(B319CA/B319CAs) Your baby is learning how to drink from a cup. I need breast milk or infantripecookedThere will be bags of carrots, peas,Wheat make it fun.formulaSing a song while brushing his teeth.fruits veggies squash, sweet potatoes, and other Peanuts and peanut butterShow your child how you brush your teeth.When is a good time to practice? Wash, peel any andWasunhtil , peel very soand ftcook. baby food cubes in your freezachioTree nuts er - s, pecans, (walnuts, cashews) Your child is learning how to brush his own teeth,as the main source of my nutritionfull or tired. Practice with cups at meals or snacks,harremd piecove ess, pits . pistFish (tuna, salmon, ster)Nutrition Matters, Inc. until I turn 1 year old.ready to heat and eat!Baby's First Cup Offer the cup when your baby is not too hungry, Nutrition Matters, Inc.or seed broccoli floretsNutrition Matters, Inc.Shellfish (shrimp, lob cod) but needs your help until he is 7 or 8 years old.(B320CA/B320CAs) when your baby is sitting in a high chair. avocado sweet potato other ways tobanana cauliflowershow me how kiwi pumpkin avoid food allergies:carrotmangoBabys First Finger Foods Let your baby watch youpear squash Breastfeed!and other children drinkpeach Wait until your baby is 6 monthsold before starting solid foods. (B321CA/B321CAs) from a cup. Talk about howIf your baby was born early you are drinking. Your baby will learn by watching.Use aifrlable. esh fruits and Choose canned orvegetablesfrozen when fruits or has a family history avof allergies, talk to your is the firfrsom a cupt step to and vegetables with no added syrup, sugar or salt.health care provider. Baby Teeth Matter DrinkingFruits and veggies are good finger foods for There may be foods weaning from the bottle. your baby.Your baby will learn to like that your baby needs(B322CA/B322CAs)Nutrition Matters, Inc.a variety of fruits and veggies. to avoid until he is older.Nutrition Matters, Inc. Nutrition Matters, Inc. 1.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com"