b"45 family discountsavailable!see pagesRequestback NEW! 59-60a review use unit pricing to get the mostsavesampleto get the best deals nutrition for your Find unit pricing on the store shelves.money, buy: at the store!inside today! This compares the prices of food by fresh fruits and Save at the using a common size, like ounces. vegetables in season Enjoy healthy foods on a budget. fruits canned in shop forFor example, chchoose lo 100% juice or waterStore!brochureif canned fruit is sold in different can sizes,vegetables canned look at the unit price per ounce to seewithout added shop for which is the best buy. choose lower cost salt or saucesshop foroose lowerwer co coststfruits andmeat and fruits andmeat andwhole grain fruits and meat and veg etablesprototein foods veg etables pr otein foods:eads, veget ablespr ein foods:br : in season: crackers,With the easy planning andinseason: and tortillasin season:brown riceOften low cost all year: eggs , ,low sugar cerealsshopping tips in the Save at eggsOften low cost all year: eggsOften low cost all year:use unit pricing to get the mostsave , onions, ,peanut butter lean meats likethe Store brochure, you can apples, bananas peanut butterapples, bananaspeanut butter lean meats like apples , bananasand pearsdried beansand pears dried beans, and pears dried beans chicken br broccoli, cabbag e,splsplit peas it peasoccol i, cabbage,split peasto get the best deals nutrition for your broccoli, cabbage,and lentilsls93% lean ground beef carrcarrotso, leafy greensand lenti ls or turkeyts, leafy greenseens, onions, onions, and lenticarrots, leafy grFind unit pricing on the store shelves.money, buy: at the s tore! ches,,canned beans l l , pinto andprotein foods like beans, peas,teach ways to confidently popotatoes and winter squashcanned beans atoes andwinter squash po t t atoes andwinter squashcanned beanssummer: ike kidney , pinto and lentils, peanut butter and eggslike kidney, pinto andike kidneyBes t buys in thegarbanzo beanso beansBest buys inthe summer:This compares the prices of food byBes t buys in the summer: garbanzgarbanzo beansusing a common size, like ounces.fresh fruits and at the store : berries , cherries, melons, pea ches, cannedike ikte t tuna , salmon,fat free dairy productsatthe store: berries , cherries, melons et. canned fish lfish l ik una, salmon,fat orfat free dairy prat the store: berries, cherries , melons, pea canned fish l euna , salmon,vegetables in season Enjoy healthy foods on a budg , peacheslowfat or For example,fruits canned inthe stores rewards or plums and pineapplessarsardines and ma chip, cand shop while staying on budget.plums and pineapples dines and mackckerelerelplums and pineapples sardines and mackerelJoinbell peppers, cucumbers, spinach, chick thighs and legsJoin the stores rewards or bell peppers, cucumbers, spinach, chicken enthighs and legsJoin the stores rewards orbell peppers, cucumbers, spinach,chick enthighs and legsSkip the chip, candy if canned fruit is sold in different can sizes,100% juice orloyaltloyalt wy pratery progrogram.am. ,summersquash, sweet corn Looksales on 93% leanand soda aisles. before you go:summer squash, s squash, sweeweet cornt cornloyalty program. summerlook at the unit price per ounce to seevegetables cannedfrom s andtomatoesThe bigger cancan is the best buy. and tomatoes Use couponsUse couponsfrom stortore adse ads, w, ebsiteswebsites,and tomatoesLook for for sales on 93% lean Use coupons from store ads, websites,Buy whole fruits and vegetables. which is the best buy. without addednenewspaperw spaper Buy whole fruits and vegetables.Look for sales on 93% lean Check your cabinets, freezer and salt or sauces s, sstor, store shelve shelves and es and thetheBuy whole fruits and vegetables.grground beef Dont go to the store newspapers, store shelves and theCutIt costs less per ounce. ound beef and gr and ground ound turkey.turkey.loyalty or rewards programs.Cut them up at home.loyalty or rewards programs.them up at home.loyalty or rewards programs.Cut them up at home. o morore.e. ground beef and ground turkey. refrigto see what you Read sale signs. If the sale is 5 forf $5,anand vd egetvegetable oc Buy family or value pa s of already have. whole grain If the sale is 5 for or $5,PrPre-cute-cut fruitsfruitsables cso st m Buyly or value pa s of efrigeratorbreads,s,Read sale signs. If the sale is 5 $5, Pre-cut fruits and vegetables c st more. Buy famifamily or value pa ck wh Pack of 50 brochures st ckcks ofRead sale signs. for$1meat and poultry. when you are hungry.you may may be be able able to to buy buy less lesseaeach.ch.meat and poultry. youfor $1 meat and poultry. Look at the stores weekly ad cracker ou may be able to buy less for $1 each.Canned andUse unit pricing when buying Wrap meat in and tor yyyou have to buy 5, its only a goodCanned and frozen frozen fruits and fruits and cervse unit pricing veal sold in degegetablesetables ifferent sizes, Wrap meat in freezerfreezer bags or bags or freezer freezerto see what will be on sale.If yIfou have to buy 5, its only a goodCanned and frozenfresh. cereal sold in different sizes, Wrap meat in freezer bags or freezer Ifllase. s only a goodemay cost less t less than fresh. like 12 ounce, 18 ounce and 32 ounce in amounts right forfor your your fami family.ly.(all of one subject and language) ti ou have to buy 5, it oror may cos thanfruits and vegetables paperin amounts right forfutur family. Make a grocery list.deal epaper in amounts right your deal if y ifouyou willwi use ll use the items befthe items bef ThThey ley lastast longer longer too! too! like 12 ounce, 18 ounce and 32 ouncedate and freeze fordeal if you will use the items beforemay cost less than fresh.paperbrown ricethey ethey expirxpire. Label, they expire. They last longer too! boxes. Check the unit price to see Label, date and freeze for future use.e use. low sugar cerealsboxes. Check the unit price to see Frozen Frozen fish usually cosLimit grocery shopping to Label, date and freeze for future use.how much you are paying forfish usually costs less ts less than than fresh.fresh. lean meats lBuy generic or st sortore bre brands.ands. best an ounce in each box. Frozen fish usually costs less than fresh. 4 x 9 tri-fold (6 sides) Buy g 1 to 2 times a week.ikeeneric or 1 chick Buy generic or store brands. best buysbuys ononIf the larger size has the best priceShop when you have time to en Shop foods on upperShopfoods on upper and lower and lowerShop foods on upper and loweregrains: and your family will eat th best buys forNutrition Matters, Inc.Full color throughoutshelves.best buys on or turkey shelves. HigherHigher priced items ar priced items aregrains: and your family will eat the food e food buys for compare prices, check sales 93% lean ground beef often at eye lee levelv.el. before it spoils, the l best buys for shelves. Higher priced items aregrains: before it spoils, the larger siz best and read nutrition labels.often at ey e isprotein often at eye level. frofroen items the best buy. dairy foods: All Rights Reserved. foods like beans, peas,zzen itemsdairy foods:Stock up on canned andems you br breads and dairy foods: No photocopying. FN362BR Available in English and SpanishStock up on canned and Stock up on canned and frozen items when they are on sale. when they ar and eggse on sale. Buy itBuy items youems you lentils, peanut butter eads andNo photocopying. FN362BRwhen they are on sale. Buy itste.e.breads and Nutrition Matters, Inc.free dairy produe rctse room s low fat or fat use use oft enen an and hav oom to st tooror tortortillas on sale torstore ore or genericgeneric oft d hav tillas on sale use often and have room to store. tortillas on sale Check 'sell by' or Freeze forze for up up to t 3 mo 3 mononths.ths.brands f of mi Check'sell by' or 'use by' dat 'use by' dates es to gto get etFreestore or generic Check'sell by' or .'use by' dates to g et .Fr(if you dont e froner space, buy brands o mi lk, t t FN362BR (English)the freshest items thatt long (if you dont hav have freezeezer space, buylk, lk, the freshest items that wiwill lasll last longerer. eeze for up to 3 m ths. cheese and ythe amount you can use before it spoils) brands of mi(if you dont have freezer space, buycheese and yogurogurUse a check out lane withoutthe amount you can use before it spoils)Skip the chip, canout lane without er. the amount you can use before it spoils) blocks of cheese ogurtan Use a check dys to avoid buying canis blocks of cheese the freshest items that will last long cheese and yThe bigger can is the best buy. Use a check out lane withoutt. before you go: tead of singlefrom the dairy section, It costs less per ounce. d soda aisles wsck oid buying canisterters osf o old f old fashioned orfashioned or quick quickblocks of cheese i section FN362BRs (Spanish)candy or snas to av from the dairy section, candy or snacktreats thatto avt on yourour lis lt.is cooking oatmeal, instreatsthat werere not on y cooking oatmeal, instead o f singlerather than the delthe deli sectioni sectioncandy or snacke no oid buying canisters of old fashioned or quick rather than serving pa tead of singlefrom the dairy section, treats to the storercabinetsck, frcketseeetszer andSlice or shred it at home.Dont go that were not on your list. Check yourserving pa ckets Slice or shred it at home.cooking oatmeal, insserving painstead oou f instant rice rather than the delregular rice, egularsee what yrefrig erator torice,instead of instant ricewhen you are hungry. already have. rice, instead of instant ricelarge containers oat home. ogurt t regular Slice or shred itof plain yUse unit pricing when buyingAlwayssstore bre brand orand or generic generic cer cereals ealslarge containers f plain yogur tor Portion it out athatom he.Always chcheckeck th the sale pricese sale pricesLook at store br ascerealsPortion it out ome.and pasand or generic large containers of plain yogurt cereal sold in different sizes, Always check the sale pricesand pastastweekly ad Portion it out at home.the storesget e bestst buy buy. and pastastoto get th the be . to see what will be on sale.like 12 ounce, 18 ounce and 32 ounce boxes. Check the unit price to seeto get the best buy.Make a grocery list.how much you are paying for Limit grocery shopping to an ounce in each box. 1 to 2 times a week.If the larger size has the best price Shop when you have time to and your family will eat the foodcompare prices, check salesbackbefore it spoils, the larger size isand read nutrition labels.the best buy. Nutrition Matters, Inc.All Rights ReservNutrition Matters, Inc. Keep food safe. Choose a variety ymake a No photocopying. ed.FN362BR make a front Use fresh meats, fruitsof foods for your family. meal planand vegetables first. Include foods from all 5 food groups Save time and money. Reduce stress. Put leftovers in the refrigerator withinin your weekly meal plan.2 hours of cooking. Eat within 2 to 3 days. in your weekly meal plan. Plan ahead for healthy family meals NEW! inside 2 hours of cooking. Eat within 2 to 3 days. and waste less food.ood.Meal planning steps: : Plant o use left overs. Try some Meal planning steps: Planto use leftoovers. Try some Meal planning steps Plan t o use left ver s. Try some 1.1. 1. ind a time to plan.Cook once - eat twice theme meals like:e: FF Find a time to plan.Cook once - eat twice theme meals like:ind a time to plan.Cook once - eat twice. theme meals likAim for the same time each week, Aim for the same time each week,Aim for the same time each week,lik like e Thursday night. Meal planning Sandwich SundayPlan for at least 3 food groups e Thursday night. Meal planningSandwich Sunday likThursday night. Meal planning Sandwich Sunday gets easier when it is part oft ofour routine. Roast a chicken.TaTaco Tuesday in each meal.gegts easier when it is part of y your routine. Roas t a chicken.Taco esdayets easier when it is par your routine. Roast a chicken. co TuTuesdayUse leftover chicken to make:Use leftover chicken to make:Use leftover chicken to make: pas ta nightOffer different foods from each group 2.2. 2.Check the refrigerator, cabinetschicken stirtir fry pasta night Check the refrigerator, cabinets en s fry pasta nightCheck the refrigerator, cabinetsand freezer.chicken stir breakfast for dinnerand freezer.chickfry breakfasast fort dinnerMeal Plan and freezer.e som eed too use up? chicken salad sandwiches are sti ture. breakf st efor dinner over the week. V Variety helps your family Are therere foods you need t use up?chick en salad sandwiches Label and date. Eat within 3 totions. dishdish saladsget the nutrition they need.ArAre there foods you need to use up? chicken salad sandwiches tions. dish saladse the foods you nCan you make some me meals fr barbecued chicken Freeze leftovers in smaller pormain saladsCanCan you make som eals from barbecued chicken mainyou mak e meals fromom barbecued chicken main foods you have? e?chick eneget etablewith greens oreens or pas pastataLimit foods with added sugars, foods you have?chick v veg able with gr Limit foods with added sugars, foods you hav chickenwith greens or pastaKeep food safe. Choose a variety.make aen vegetable 4 months.After 3 to 4 months they they soups ororstews saturated fat and sodium. Too much Use fresh meats, fruits3. 3. LookLook atat the the famifamily calendarly calendar.oo cook?days? meal plan as ll safe but may lose some flavort pan e swsws of these can lead to health problems.or chicken noodle soup soupsteor or chicken noodle soup soups or chick en noodle soup3.Look at the family calendar.e t cook? chick ent t acos , quesadillas or are still safe but may lose someflavmeatlessmeatless mealsbrochure of foods foryour family. e d etothechick en t cos , quesadillas orajit as meatless meals mealsArAre the there erdays with m more time t chickena acos, quesad illas or fand moise days withore timfajit asAre there days with more time to cook?fajitDo you need quick, easy meals som e d ays?chicken casserolessheet pan mealsDo you need eed quick, eas eals som ays? chicken casseroles sheemealsDo you n quick, easy my meals som chicken casserolesand vegetables first.sheet pan mealsInclude foods from all 5 food groups(or(oron e dish meals)on e dish meals)4.Keep a list of your familys s favorite meals.dish meals)Put leftovers in the refrigerator within4.Keep a list of your familyfavorite meals.Save time and money a beef. R roasce st, edu tress. Thaw frozen leftovers safely, (oron4.Keep a list of your familys favorite meals.slow cooker mealser meals2 hours of cooking. Eat within 2 to 3 days. in your weekly meal plan. to add totoCookchops.in the refrigerator or slo w cookAsk Ask family and friends forf ideas or ideas to add the theCook a beef roast,slow cooker mealsAsk family and friendsto add family and friends for ideasCook a beef roast, list. UsePlan ahead for healthy family meals snack mealslist. Use the lthe list oist of ideas f ideas to help plan meals.to help plan meals. pork roas roast ort or chops.snack mealslist. Use the list of ideas to help plan meals. porkroast or chops.the microwave. snack meals5.Check your grocery stores weekly ad.andpork te less food.pork in: er pizza night5. 5.Check your grocery stores weekly ad.was oo er beef or pork in:pizza night Check your grocery stores weekly ad.UUse left v er beef or Reheat leftoverpizza nightse left vver beef or pork in:Help families take the stressBuiBuild yld yourour meal meal plan ar plan around besound best buys.t buys.f Use lefto meats and graviesfajitas, tacos or enchiladasBuild your meal plan around best buys.f ajitas,,t t acos or enchiladasajitas acos or enchiladasweekly meal plan fory our sandwiches (pl(plainain orbarbecuedor barbecued) ) )165 degrees Theme meals 6.W e down a weekly meal plan for yoursandwichesto6.Writrite down a yoursandwiches (plain or barbecued165 degr Theme meals out of meal planning with 6.Write down a weekly meal plan fors teswtes orws or soups l soups like beef in the oven, on theTheme mealsPlan your familys meals around:familylys main meal. K. Keep y plans ike beef ste swte w fami s main mealeep yourour plansstews or soups like beef stew to use again ano etable soup stovetop or in the microwave. can be a great eat wwayayfamilys main meal. Keep your plans or voreg vegetable soup stovetop or in the microwave. can be a grto use again anotherther week. week. or vegetable soup can be a great wayto use again another week. stir fry forfor y yourour fami family ly to to foods you havestir fry7. 7 Planto use leftovoervers. s.for your family toeasier for this practical brochure!7Plan to use leftstir fry a spaghettiFor more information visit: try new foods! Keep life easier for foods you have Plan to use leftovers.try new foods!your familys scheduleCookonce, eat twice.twice. try new foods! you and your family.your familys scheduleCook once, eat Cook once, eat twice. you and your family.Plan for at least 3 food groupsMake extrxtra spaghettiFor more information visit: ThThey hey helpelp keep keep m mealseals food likes and dislikes8.Make yourour gr grocery lisocery list. Make e funfun an and ind interteresting.esting.8.Make y ch meal. t. Make extra spaghettiwww.fda.gov/food/buy-store-serve- They help keep meals part grocery store sales and seasonal foods8.Make your grocery list. sau ce and use for:for: Make meal planning in ea weekl : y meal planner eta grocery listgrocery list grains: sauce and usesafe-food/safe-food-handlingdling fun and interesting. of your routine.Making a meal plan makes sauce and use for:Offer different foods from each grouplasagna of your routine. weekly meal planner lasagnasundaysunday: : weekly meal planner : fruits & vfegruits & v g grains: lasagna Children under 5 years old, pregnant Nutrition Matters, Inc. shopping and cooking easier. bles:egetables: baked zitiFreeze leftovers in smaller portions. over the week. Variety helps your familygrains: baked ziti women, adults over 65 years old andInclude colorful sundaymonday: monday fruits & vegetables: baked ziti Include colorful Pack of 50 brochures get the nutrition they need. : s,meat & seafood: rocery list pantry:pantry:t stuffed peppers women, adultsfruitsand vegvegetetables.ables.All Rights Reserved.Learn more!stuffed peppersmondaytuesday: tu:esday: meat & seafood:meatloaf Include colorful Label and date. Eat within 3 toLimit foods with added sugar meat & seafood:s meatloaf (top (top th the me meatloafeatloafthose with weak immune systemsfruits andNo photocopying. FN363BRuffed pepperswith spaghetti sauce) fruits and vegetables. tuesdaywednesday: wednesday: ium. Too muchpantry:meatloaf (top the meatloafare at higher risk for food poisoning. Get needed nutrients and Nutrition Matters, Inc.4 months.After 3 to 4 months theysaturated fat and sod with spaghetti sauce) Get needed nutrients and (all of one subject and language)of these can lead to health problems. frozen:frozen: dairy & eggs:dairy & eggs: homemade pizz a topping make fe foods more appeale appealinging. ,.are still safe but may lose some flavorwednesday: sday: with spaghetti sauce) makt needed nutrients andthursdaythur: homemade pizza toppinga topping Ge oods morfriday: homemade pizz tick make foods more appealing.and moisture. thursday: friday: frozen: dairy & eggs: a dip ip forf bror breadseadsticks ors or garl garlic bric breadead VegVegetetables ables like asparlike asparagus,a d agus4 x 9 tri-fold (6 sides) fridaysat: urdaysat:urday:Nutrition Matters, Inc.Nutrition Matters, Inc. All Rights ReservAll Rights Reserved.ed.ed. a dip for breadsticks or garlic bread broccoli, carri ots and peppers wwork, broccoletables like asparagusVeg, carrots and peppers orkgreat in sheet pan meals.saturday: broccoli, carrots and peppers work great in sheet pan meals.Make extrxtra meatballsThaw frozen leftovers safely,Nutrition Matters, Inc. All Rights Reserv Make e a meatballs great in sheet pan meals.Full color throughout Havinganan helps limit e. ssMake e xtra meatballsin the refrigerator orHaving a pla plhelps limit trip tripsandeeze to use in:and frfreeze to use in:toto e grocery stor and freeze to use in: th the grocery store.spaghetti and meatballsthe microwave.Having a plan helps limit tripspaghetti and meatballsto the grocery store.spaghetti and meatballsReheat leftoverBe flexible. troganoAvailable in English and Spanish If sch Beflexible.the plan.an. s trsogano ffffBechangestroganoff sandwichesmeats and graviesIf schededulesflexible.meatball sandwichesules change oror oth otherer foods foodsmeatballto 165 degreesIf schedules change or other foods pizzaasandwichesarare betterdeals,adjust the pl meatballe better deals, adjust pizzin the oven, on theare better deals, adjust the plan.pizzaFN363BR (English) Keep life easier forPlan your familys meals around:stovetop or in the microwave. foods you haveFN363BRs (Spanish) you and your family.your familys scheduleFor more information visit:food likes and dislikeswww.fda.gov/food/buy-store-serve- Make meal planning part grocery store sales and seasonal foodssafe-food/safe-food-handling of your routine. Children under 5 years old, pregnantMaking a meal plan makes women, adults over 65 years old andshopping and cooking easier. those with weak immune systems Nutrition Matters, Inc. Learn more!All Rights Reserved. are at higher risk for food poisoning. No photocopying. FN363BR Nutrition Matters, Inc.front1.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com"