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b"discounts infants 8available!see pages59-60 backdevelop somesimple routines:have a scheduled naptime and bedtime. front give your baby a relaxing bath before bedtime. help your baby learn to fall asleep six without a bottle - rock,hold and softly sing instead. Im offer meals and snacks at months If you dont eat meals at routine times,about the same timeseach day.Baby Stages The first 6 months of your babysnow is a good time to start. life went fast! The second 6 months will Your baby will learn healthy eating habitscardsbe filled with exciting changes - first foods, first cup, crawling, first steps and more.by watching you and others. Babies like routines.they feel loved and safe. babys first bitesAround the age of 6 months, most babies Offer anticipatory guidance and join the family table are ready to start eating some solid foods. will be ready to eat some foods fromsupport during the well baby checkups.Follow your babys lead. Your baby may wantYour baby to eat some pureed foods from a spoon. your familys meals around 6 to 9 months of age. Your baby may want to pick up some f er softtable foods without added salt or sugar. Off oodsand eat with their hands. Do what works for your baby and you. Put your baby in a highchair or booster seat. Let your baby eat with fingers and a spoon. Pack of 100 cardsOffer foods that stick to a spoon: If your baby was born early or has a familyplain, whole milk yogurt mashed cooked vegetables,(all of one subject and language) history of allergies, talk to your health careinfant oatmeal cereal winter squash 4 x 9 cardstock (2 sides)provider before starting solid foods. like sweet potatoes or its time for a cup From 6 to 9 months of age, your baby might useAvailable in English and Spanisha whole hand to pick up food. Offer soft foods offer sips of breastmilk, formula or water in a cut into 3-inch strips that are easy to grab:cup when your baby is eating solid foods. most babies cannot hold a cup on their own at soft, cooked carrots, potatoes or green beans 6 months - hold it for your baby while he orsoft, ripe banana she , peaches, mango or avocado Baby Stages Bundles:lightly toasted whole grain bread, cut into stickslearns how to hold and drink from a cup. do not give juice, soda, sweet drinks or tea tenderto your, shr babyedded meats . that are easy to pull apartContinue breastfeeding or using iron-fortified Dont give honey or foods made withB400Set of these Baby Stagesinfant formula until your baby is 1 year oldhoney .to your baby - these foods can cause a serious food poisoning.cards in Englishhow much shouldTalk to your health care provider if you have anyB500Set of these Baby Stages concerns about how your baby eats such as:my baby drink? Choking or gagging often cards in English and Spanish Difficulty with chewing and swallowingListen to your babys appetite - feed your baby when you see signs o Ff hungeedings arere stressful or upsetting for your baby or you and stop when he or she is full. This card provides general nutrition information; medical advice should beYour baby may be full when he or she: obtained from your health care provider.stops sucking and lets go of the nipple.Nutrition Matters, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. closes his mouth and does not want to open it. WeeSteps - No photocopying. B306CA R3When your baby is 8 to 12 months old, he or she will learn to drink more from a cup and less from a bottle. Weaning from a bottle around 12 months will beeasier for your baby. Nutrition Matters, Inc. tips for feeding your 3 to 6 month old babyI'm Six Months Congratulations on your new baby! .how much will my baby drink? Breastfeed your baby often. Let your baby decide how much to drink.If you have any questions, ask!B306CA - English There are breastfeeding experts who want to help.If your baby is not breastfed,ImB306CAs - Spanish use infant formula with iron.How much and how often your baby eats during Your baby may be hungry when he:the first three months will change as he grows.turns his head toward your breastfeeding your 9 to 12 month old baby Be flexible and listen to your baby.or a bottle and opens his mouth.Your baby may be hungry when he: startmeal and snackdevelop healthy eating habits withstarts to suck on his hand or fingers. coos while eating to show thatyour children that will last a lifetime.turns his head toward your breastroutines for your babyhe wants more. or bottle and opens his mouth.As your baby learns howfusses or cries.to eat, offer meals and eat togetherstarts to suck on his hand or fingers. coos while eating to show that he wants more. snacks at the same times the rest of yourOffer breakfast, lunch and dinner Your baby may be full when he:fusses or cries.family eats. Make a schstops sucking and lets go of the nipple.and 2 to 3 snacks at about edule that works for you and your baby. the same times each day.closes his mouth and does not want to open it.Crying can be the last sign of hunger.outines! Routines turns his head away frfor meals, om the breast or bottle.Serve meals and snacks inBabies like rDont wait until your baby cries.snacks and naps during the day help the kitchen. Bring your toddler It can be hard to comfort a crying baby.your baby feel safe and loBreastfeed yved.our baby or offer infant formulato the family table - use a Learn to read your babys early signs of hunger. with iron until he is one year old. high chair or booster seat.Do not try to make your baby finishTake time to eat with your toddler - Your baby may be full when he: watch for signs he wants to eat with you. Enjoy a family mealstops sucking and lets go of the nipple.a bottle of formula if he is full.with your entire family at least once a day.closes his mouth andthat your baby is ready He is learfor fingning to eat when he is hungry er foods:does not want to open it. can sit by self, without supportand to stop eating when he is full. turns his head away frompicks up food and brings it to mouth a toddlers appetite the breast or bottle. can easily chew and swallow pieces of soft food It is normal for a toddler to eat less after My First Three Months When your baby uses a whole hand to pick uphis first birthday. He is not growing as fast as he did when he was a baby. food, offer soft foods cut into 3-inch strips that are (B304CA/B304CAs) easy to grab. When your baby learns how to useHow much food should I offer my toddler?a thumb and finger to pick up food, cut soft foods Start by serving small amounts of food Hold your baby in your arms while you feed him. into small pieces, about the size of a chickpea. on his plate - aboutof an adult Talk and smile - he will smile back. I'm Three Months feed with love and smiles serving or 1 to 2 tablespoons Dont prop a bottle - its not fun to eat alone. of each food. Offer more Cuddle your baby in your arms while you feed him. Feed your baby in a highchair.Your baby wants to look (B305CA/B305CAs) Quietly talk and smile at your baby. Hell love it! at you and feel your touch. food when he wants more. Always stay with your baby while eating.Dont prop a bottle - Your baby couldHow much will my toddler eat? choke or overeat with a propped bottle.Propping a bottle could cause: Let your toddler decide how much he will eat.choking offer soft table foods without I'm Nine Months Do not put cereal, juice, fruit punch, tea,ear infectionsDo not bribe or force your toddler to eat.soda or other sweet drinks in a bottle. added salt or sugar such as: He may eat a lot at one meal overfeeding(B307CA/B307CAs) soft cooked vegetables - carrots, potatoes, Use bottles for and very little at the next meal.green beans or squashIf your baby doesnt want to finish a soft ripe fruits - banana, peaches, mango or breastmilk or formula. bottle of formula, dont push him to eat. avocadowhole grains - soft cooked noodles, brown rice Do not put cereal I'm Twelve MonthsIf he fusses for more afterand lightly toasted whole grain bread, or juice in a bottle. finishing a bottle, offer more.cut into sticks(B308CA/B308CAs)Nutrition Matters, Inc.protein foods - tender, shredded meatsNutrition Matters, Inc.Child size spoon, cup and dish with sides.It will be easier to push food against that are easy to pull apart andthe side and onto a spoon.soft cooked, mashed pinto or black beans Let your toddler feed himself. He may want to eat most of his foods with his fingers. ThatsOffer 2 to 3 different foods at a meal ok.hes learning how to eat by and healthy foods, like fruits, vegetablestouching and playing with food, or whole grains for snacks.and putting some in his mouth. Nutrition Matters Nutrition Matters, Inc. 1.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com"