b'11 milestone booklets discountsavailable!see pages59-60coverI am TwobookletProvide an overview of the Center of DiseaseControl Prevention (CDC) milestones, along withfeeding milestones and ideas on howto help babies grow, learn and thrive.Booklet is 5 x 7 with 17 pagesFull color throughoutI am Available in English and Spanishtwo WS97BL (English)WS97BLs (Spanish) Request Help me growand learn ISBN# 978-1-942530-56-5 a review2023 Nutrition Matters, Inc. sample today!look inside bookletmilestones milestones 24 to 36 months 24 to 36 monthsat 2 years old Help me grow and learn: Make mealtimes I might be a picky eatermost children Teach me how words sound. toddler friendly. sometimes. This is normal.If I say, nana for banana you say, You want a banana. Be reasonable about what you expect of me.I may not want to try new foods. I may refuse a food I liked notice when others are hurt or before. I may want to eat the same foods again and again.upset, like pausing or looking Watch me closely during playdates. Meals may be messy. I am still learning to chew, swallow and sad when someone is crying I dont know how to share well yet. Show meuse my utensils well. I am easily distracted and may wantHelp me be a healthy eater:look at your face to see how to how to share, take turns and use my words. to go and play. Mealtime might be 10 to 15 minutes or as long react in a new situation Let me be a helper. as I can pay attention.Offer lots of Dont pressure me to eat. I can carry things to the table, wipe tables, put things in the trash, pour, stir and help washHelp me be safe and comfortable.different foods. I may need to see a food 10 or more times before I point to things in a book when you ask, fruits and vegetables. Thank me for helping. Seat me upright at the table. I might Offer a new food withtry it and like it.like Where is the bear? Let me eat as much or as little as I want at meals and snacks. sit in a high chair with the traya food I already like.say at least two words together, like More milk. removed or use a booster seat.Serve a new food at the Let me explore new foods. point to at least two body parts when you ask them Give me toddler size utensilsbeginning of the mealI might look at the food, when I am the hungriest. touch it, smell it and lick it to show you Trust my appetite. and toddler size servings. Eat new foods with me. before I taste it.use more gestures than just waving and pointing, I wont always eat the same amount or type of food each day.Start with about 2 tablespoons like blowing a kiss or nodding yes Offer me healthy foods and let me decide if and how much Iof each food on my plate. If I am need to eat. I know when I am hungry and when I am full. I am gettingstill hungry, let me have more. hold something in one hand while using the other hand; enough to eat if I am healthy, growing okay and have energy to play.Let me help you shop If I refuse a food, stay for example, holding a container and taking the lid offkeep for foods and helpcalm. Offer it again try to use switches, knobs, or buttons on a toy When I am hungry I might: When I am full I might: Dont let memeprepare them. at a different time. run, walk or liesafeTry offering the food play with more than one toy at the same time,use words or gestures to tell you I am all done down with food Serve food in smallin different ways, like putting toy food on a toy plate tell you I want food.or want to get downin my mouth. portions. Large portions can overwhelmlike raw broccolitake you to the cupboardfrom the table.me. Let me have morewith a dip or kick a ball or the refrigerator to show slow down or stop eating. roasted broccoli.run you a food or drink I want.play with the food orif I ask for more.walk (not climb) up a few stairs with or without helpget upset, angry and whine. start to throw food.eat with a spoonEating when I am hungry and stopping whenLet me eat my way. I may still like to I am full helps me be a healthy weight. use my fingers more than utensils.2 3 6 I may be 3 years old before I use my fork well. 724 to 36 months 24 to 36 months 24 to 36 months 24 to 36 monthsMake healthy Plan our snacks. Be active with me. Reward and comfort meI usually need a midmorning and midafternoon snack.with love, not food. meals and snacks. If bedtime is 2 to 3 hours after our evening meal,I will eat, sleep and feel better when I am active If I dont eat or I get upset, it might be tempting to Serve meals with protein foods like lean meat, fish,I might need a small snack before I sleep. during the day. reward or comfort me with food. poultry and beans; colorful fruits and vegetables;Take me to the park and let me play on the equipment. whole grain breads, pastas and cereals; andveggie roll up Push me on the swings.dairy foods like milk, cheese and yogurt. with hummus, finely chopped Kick balls back and forth Offer foods low in sugar, salt and unhealthy fats. broccoli in a wholewith me. When I am good at My tummy is small. I may not eat a lot atwheat tortilla that, encourage me to run a meal or snack. What I eat needs to haveand kick the ball.the nutrition I need. If I dont eat much,Take walks with me and dont worry. Another meal orvegetablesfreshtalk about the things we snack time will be coming soon. and dip fruit see as we explore.chicken quesadillapeanut butter with kiwi and corn sandwichkeepmeComfort and reward safe Give me sand toys orIf you offer me a cookie containers and spoonsfor eating a vegetableme with your attention.to play in a sandbox. I might think the Give me a hug, smile Wash our handsvegetable is bad if youor kiss.before everyLet me run andhave to bribe me to Read a story or color meal and snack. jump in safe areas. eat it. I might get thepictures with me.idea that the cookie is a If I snack all day long I may not be hungry for meals. Offer me twoPlay follow the leaderspecial food to work for.Play with a ball or with me. Take turnsfavorite toy with me.or three healthy snack choices and let me decide which one k being the leader. I need to learn to eat Take me to the library or grilled cheeseto eat. Limit the choices to three or I might get overwhelmed. meep because I am hungry,the park.e sandwich,safe not to get a reward.Turn on the music. Sing a cheese slices, Watch me closely. carrots and apples Aim to include 2 to 3 food groups in snacks. I dont understand danger. song or dance with me.Snack time is a great time for us to 8 eat fruits and vegetables. 9 14 151.888.356.5575 www.numatters.com info@numatters.com'