b'meet our teamOur nutrition education materials are developed and written by Registered Dietitians (RDNs) with a variety of work and life experiences.Susan KrahnMS, RDN, CD, CLCRegistered Dietitian Nutritionist, Author, ONE Product Expert Susan strives to bring a WIC clinicians perspective to her connectwork at Nutrition Matters. She with me: brings a Masters of Science degree in Food and NutritionalSciences and over 10 years of experience at a local health department to the team. Susan loves having Cheryl Yarringtonthe opportunity to write and create nutrition education MS, RDN, CD, CLE that will support public health nutrition programs and Founder/Owner,inspire parents to raise healthy families.Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and AuthorAngela RoltgenCheryl has received her Bachelor of ScienceMPH, RDN, CD, CLSdegree in Dietetics and Master of Science degree in Food Science and NutritionRegistered Dietitian Nutritionist, from the University of Wisconsin-Stout.Author Cheryl is a Registered Dietitian NutritionistAngelas passion for maternal, (RDN) with the Academy of Nutrition andinfant and child nutrition aligns Dietetics and Wisconsin Certified Dietitianseamlessly with her work at (CD).She is also a Certified LactationNutrition Matters. Her Masters Educator (CLE). of Public Health degree inNutrition and 14 years at local WIC agencies brings a Cheryl has clinical experience workingfocus on community nutrition and evidenced-based in the WIC Program for more than 30 years,nutrition strategies. She loves the opportunities to and writing nutrition education materialssupport professionals and families achieve their for 26 years. Over this time, she has writtenhealth and well-being goals.12 small books for families with infants and preschool children. She enjoys creating easyRobin Fedieto read materials with helpful hints, deliciousBS, RDN, CDrecipes and practical ideas that promote ahealthy lifestyle for families. Public Health Nutritionistand Author She loves spending time with herRobin is an RDN with over 40 5 grandchildren. One of her favorite hobbiesyears of clinical experience in is gardening, and to watch her grandsonsa variety of settings, including play in the dirt with shovels and trucks, pickWIC clinics, hospitals and as blueberries and tomatoes, and check plantsa consultant. Robin sees theto see how much they grow!potential that nutrition has to improve peoples lives, especially when the education she writes can help families make healthy choices. She finds it rewarding to work with the Nutrition Matters team to provide USDA Nationalnutrition education that helps families meet the Strategic Partner challenge of incorporating healthy eating into their busy lives.'