b"buy more,save more! tip:Large quantity discounts available! Look for theCombine a product type of our nutritionletters at the end of the product education for discount pricing.number to correspond with For example: the discount chart. get acomidas con hierroLatch is good latch para madres e hijosmouth the to brway yeastfeed. Your baby will know to gw hoet a g ck,herour baby takes your breast into his orw to suood latch. nombre: ___________________________ fecha: __________ hemoglobina: ________but you both may need help learning ho vary your iron foodsnombre: ___________________________ fecha: __________ hemoglobina: ________ plehelp your breasts make more milk. veggies for moms and kids i m losSu familia necesita el hierro de los alimentos para crecer y estar saludable. s A good latch is important to: Su clnica puede medir la cantidad de hierro en la sangre analizando su hemoglobina.make sure your baby gets enough milk. Las mejores fuentes de hierro son: s nacks niosprevent soreastfe nipples.eeding feel more comfort iron foods , thy.help br Eaable. tableste de hierro, especialmente la carne roja magra.__________ hemoglobin: ________t lots of different vegeLa carne es la mejor fuen name: _______________________________ date: mercadoto help your family be healthyft. en.carne vacuna,name: _______________________________ date: __________ hemoglobin: ________Choose colorful veggies most o do,red and orangesweetdark green de cerenadotros Your family needs iron from foods to grow and be heal de v en elvegetables: potato vegetables: for older babies and toddlers pollo y de o Your clinic may measure the amount of iron in your blood by testing your hemoglobin. (ages 9 months to 2 years) animales1.2.3.name: _______________________________ date: __________ hemoglobin: ________ ces of iron:broccoli de cazahambur The best sour mayor guesas y pavo ce of iron, especially lean red meats.carrots Your child needs iron from foods to grMow and be heal pescadoeat is an excellentht soury.Cuando veoYour clinic may measure the amount of iron in your childs blood by testing his hemoglobin. ple que a otros leslettuce beef, pork,y salmn i m gustan las frutas tomato romaineThe best sources of iron: venison and s y verduras,other game hile you and ye learning ourMeat is an excellent source of iron, especially lean red meats.Wbaby ar 1. Line your babys nose up with your nipple.kale infant meatsspinach ground beef,meat , ger chicken eyhow to latch on toYour babywide.s head will be able to tip back so her mouthand pureed meats camaroneschickchopped hambur and turk acks acks yo quierocomerlas tambin!breastfeed, watchcan openturkey or porken, pork or v beefenisonn n r you and mYourfing baby ersStroke babys lower lip with your nipple. vWe baby hen babyto ysgr make wn: fortificado salmon s s fofor early signs of2. Wait for a wide-open mouth.y almejashunger.mouth is wide open, like a big yawn, mo ouryour o ed mantequilla cereal fish andmight suck onc cook eecon hierropurd ollar eand hands or move Circleeens legumbresde man todos los cereales his or her head fromnipple. squashYour nipple should point red bell pepperwer towards ch ythe rouroof oeasf babyt firs st. measide-to-side, lookingmouth. Babys chin and lolip will tou veggies y small ftsoodin adel programa WIC br family our processor,ftables: atnshrimptienen altas for your breast. 3. Check for signs of a good latch.add a smallcantidades de hierro.Crying is a lat latched on starchycould try. amount o e these foods in the and of hunger. Its mue sign chYourcorn breasts may well, or yfeeloutender at first. If the first minute or your baby is not needed. other easier to get a goodfing vegetables: wa vege otras buenas fuentes de hierro: clams ironlittle book offeel pain after ter if latch when yt cryingour. two oerf into her eeding, gently deessing dotach herwn on y by slidouring a cleanbreastpintocauliflower Serve safe for your toddler.peanut butter fortifiedlittlebreastf mouth and pr textur oz y pasta integral baby is no to break the suction. dry beans pods granos integrales o panes, pancitos, tortillas, arr de cerealpea All of these meats can be served or peas: yemas de huevo, tofu duras de hoja ver all WIC cereals Keep whitetoWIC program.beans frutas secas - pasas, ciruelas, damascos secos tuna fish are high in iron lunchesbrcoli, espinaca, kale y otras ver y chopped.pureed, ground or finel practicing.greenpotaAsk for help from a lactation nurse or your Dele el pecho a su beb, o use frmula fbeansortificada beansen hierro hasta que cumpla el ao.green peas blackiron fereal and ortifiedmashedother good sources of iron: for 2 to 5 year old children flaked fishbeans c all WIC cereals are high in iron whole grain or enriched breads, buns, tortillas, rice and pastainfant cereal beans and tuna fish egg yolks and tofucheck carefully to make sure There are even more veggies.other good sources of iron: broccoli, spinach, kale, and other green leafy veggies mythere are no bonesdried fruits - raisins, prunes, dried apricotsIs there a different veggie you would like to try?whole grain or enriched breads, buns, tortillas, rice and pasta firstVary your veggies tFor moro get vitamins, minere information, visit als and fiberChooseM. Iyt's a win for the whole family!een leafy veggies Breastfeed your babuntil he is one yy, or use irear old.on fortified formula egg yolks, tofu, hummus and peanut butterPlate.gov.broccoli, spinach, kale and other grRound slices of hot dogs or sausage, ter, raisins, nuts and dried fruitsough meats,yearchunks of peanut buttmay cause choking in a child under the age of 4 years.Spread peanut butter thinly. Puree, grind or chop cooked meats.Help me grHelp meow and learn.12 pads (Get a Good Latch in English - BF522CT) grow and learn.+ 28 pads(Vary Your Veggies in English - FN310CT)+ 14 pads(Iron Foods for Older Babies and Toddlers 300 booklets (Little Book of Little Lunches in English - CS844CT) in English - WB10BL)+ 28 pads(Iron Foods for Moms and Kids in Spanish - CS841CTs) + 400 booklets(Simple Snacks in English - WB22BL)+ 18 pads(Iron Foods for Moms and Kids in English - CS841CT) + 500 booklets(My First Year in English - WS95BL)= 100 pads of clinic tear pads @+ 250 booklets(Kids in Market in Spanish - FN53BLs) $9.00 per pad of 50 sheets = 1,450 booklets @ $1.65 per bookletLarge quantitybuydiscounts available 1 - 249 books $3.95 per book more,and mix and match250 - 749 books $3.55 per book saveany combination750 - 4,999 books $3.25 per bookmore! of our books5,000 - 9,999 books $2.95 per book(products ending in BK). 10,000 or more books call for pricingLarge quantitybuydiscounts available 1 - 249 booklets $1.95 per book more,and mix and match250 - 749 booklets $1.75 per book saveany combination750 - 4,999 booklets $1.65 per bookmore! of our booklets 5,000 - 9,999 booklets $1.50 per book(products ending in BL). 10,000 or more booklets call for pricing59"