b'powered by Nutrition MattersShare Education Digitally!ONE transforms the Nutrition Matters print materials that you love into digital visuals and articles that can easily be shared with participants!clinic viewDigital, Interactive Education that Reinforces Learning During and After AppointmentsONE is a great platform to use during in-clinic and telehealth appointments to enhance your expertise and rapport with participants - especially when you cant describe a topic with just words.participant view on ONEDuring or after counselingOffer some of these fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C with your childs meals and snacks:Here are some meal ideas that offerTry some of these digitally send yourfoods with vitamin C and iron:participants theorange, strawberry or kiwi slices with ameals for your child: Milk is high in calcium, but peanut butter sandwich. Make pasta or rice dishes withlow in iron. If your child breakfast cereal with cut up fruit or a glassbeef, chicken, pork or turkey. drinks a lot of milk, he may of 100% fruit juice. Add cooked hamburger ornot be hungry to eat foods research basedtaco with salsa or tomatoes. chicken to bean burritos. with iron like meat, beans, tomatoesmelon orange cooked broccoli with spaghetti. Serve a hamburger, turkeygrains and vegetables.juicea dish of fruit with a rice or pasta dish. burger or roast beef on aA preschool child needs 16 education to theirwhole wheat bun. ounces of milk each day.bell Make a tuna fishpeppersEating a small amount of meat or fish at the samesandwich.Nutrition Matters Inc.Vitamin C cauliflowerONE account time can also increase the absorption of iron fromAll rights reserved. foods like beans, pasta, tortillas and buns. No photocopying. 161147for Kids oranges absorb grapefruitThis provides general nutrition information; medical advice Eating foods high in vitamin Cmore ironor by PDF.should be obtained from your health care provider.2/2along with foods high in iron like peanut butter, beans, grains, bread and broccoli helps to increase thebroccoli strawberriesabsorption of the iron.mangoparticipant pdf bykiwiemail, print or texable link Offer a peanut butter sandwich with fruit high in vitamin C, and your child will absorbNutrition Matters Inc. more iron from peanut butter and bread.All rights reserved. No photocopying. 161147 There may be some canned or frozen fruits and vegetables that have vitamin C added This provides general nutrition information; medical adviceto them. Read the label when buying them.should be obtained from your health care provider. X/X1/24 Participant-Centered Ways to Share Education!1 ONE Account Email Print Textable Link'