Your Baby’s First Year, now fully revised and updated, provides authoritative advice on every aspect of newborn and infant care, including
- Guidelines for prenatal and newborn care, including screening tests during pregnancy
- Milestones for physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth, as well as visual, hearing, language, and movement milestones
- Cutting-edge research on early brain development and how babies and young children think
- A complete health encyclopedia covering injuries, illnesses, and congenital diseases
- An in-depth discussion on breastfeeding, including its benefits, techniques, and challenges
- Revised nutrition recommendations, including the importance of early introduction of allergenic foods, and obesity prevention tips
- Tips for choosing child care programs
- Updated safety standards including CPR instruction, safe sleep, childproofing tips, car safety seats, and toy safety
- Safety checks for home, including bathing, preventing drowning, poisoning, choking, burns, and falls
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-478-5
- Product Code: CB0122
- Publication Date: September 20, 2020
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 787
- Trim Size: 8 inches x 6 inches x 4 inches
- Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
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About the Authors
Editor in Chief: Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP
Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, is a practicing pediatrician, founder of Calabasas Pediatrics, and an assistant clinical professor at Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA. She is also an American Academy of Pediatrics spokesperson and sits on the Editorial Advisory Board for Sharecare. Dr. Tanya is the editor-in-chief of the American Academy of Pediatrics flagship book Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5, the editor-in-chief of Your Baby’s First Year, and the author of Baby and Toddler Basics and What to Feed Your Baby. She lives in Los Angeles, CA with her husband and 3 sons.
Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 66,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults. The AAP is the largest pediatric publisher in the world, with a diverse list of resources that includes essential clinical and practice management titles and award-winning books for parents.